Wednesday 19 March 2014

What are you willing to give up?

What are you willing to give up?

Do you consider yourself successful? Are you where you wanted to be? Are you happy? Do you enjoy life? If you find that you never ask yourself these questions, pinch yourself to check if you really are alive, maybe you are just a moving corpse…

Success to me is achieving that specific goal you planned to do. It’s the feeling of happiness that comes from excelling. To me it doesn't matter how big or small the goal is but the ability to achieve that goal. Many of us in this country have lived our lives without setting any goals. We were given a manual of life and we followed it every step. Those we see as successful are those who followed every bit of this manual. What does this manual say??

  1. 1.       Go to school PSLEàJCàBGCSEàTertiary
  2. 2.       Find a job
  3. 3.       Get married
  4. 4.       Have kids and a family
  5. 5.       Look for business to start  (retirement is approaching)

Did you set a goal and say you want to study and get your degree in 16 years? No! You were forced to, and 16 years is the normal duration for a Degree. Did you set a goal and say, I want a job as this earning this amount per month? No! you had to find a job, what else could you have done, because this manual does not provide alternatives, it was time to find a job and any job which you qualified for was OK. You are going from one stage to another just like Baby-Teenager-Adult-Die. This is a manual we are not willing to give up, what more options do we have anyway?

Where are those dreams you had as a child? Did you just throw them out through the window just because the system was not favorable enough for you?  Did you just forget about them just because you are comfortable where you are today? Remember being comfortable doesn't mean you are happy, it just mean you are not willing to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. It means you don’t know what you are capable of and you are not willing to try and see. It means you don’t believe in your dreams and you don’t trust yourself. Too many of us are afraid to be ourselves; we give up our dreams to follow the crowd. Understand that you are the MASTER of your FATE and the CAPTAIN of your SOUL. WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE UP?