Thursday 24 April 2014

Find your Purpose and LIVE it!

Find your Purpose and LIVE it!

There is that one thing that will happen in your lifetime that will make you realize LIFE is so precious and too short. This can be death of another person, sickness, accidents, trials and challenges and even those happy moments we come across.

This Helicopter incident touched me in a way I never thought it will, At first it was just a funny story going around before it turned into a tragic accident. It made me stop, listen and think, really hard. I found myself saying "God you know why, and why me.". May their souls rest in peace.

Many lives are lost, both young and old but YOU and I are still here to witness all these. Do you ever wonder why YOU? Do you think you were a good driver not to cause that accident? Do you think you were smart not to get that disease? Do you think you were strong not to commit suicide or kill? NO, you were not, you were not good, you were not smart, you were not strong either. Its through the Grace of God that you are alive and you should be thankful.

I believe each life has a purpose and the question is "Do you know your purpose and are you living it?" Purpose just like talent was not written on your forehead when you were born. It is something you have to find and realize through trying and working hard. If you think a singer knew from start that they were good at singing then you got it wrong. That`s why at school you are forced to do all sports activities to find each individual talent. I remember back at school teachers used to give me this book to write those who got positions 1,2 and 3 during athletics. Yes I had a good handwriting but that wasn't the obvious reason. I tried but I wasn't that faster. During singing choirs, I was placed in the middle and told not to take out my voice, so I will be humming throughout the song. I never gave up though, I knew there should be something I am good at and it was a matter of finding it. I tried it all from netball, badminton, traditional dancing, debate, knitting, sewing, cooking, writing, all I could imagine.

Have you tried enough to know you are now living your Purpose? Living your purpose starts with having a dream and making a plan on how to achieve that dream. Its about deciding what makes you happy and whats important in your life, Its about living your passion, your desire and putting a smile on your face almost all day, every day. Lets start hunting as if we are searching for treasure, to find our PURPOSE and LIVE it!

Thursday 10 April 2014

You know the truth; Dont play Victim

This post was inspired by a conversation I had with friends and is dedicated to all women out there. Those who have watched the movie or read a book "Think like a man.........." will relate to this post. More often women are found crying over a cheating boyfriend or husband or maybe just neglect from the partner. Or even worse they complain that the man is not popping out the question but they have been together for too long, or the boyfriend doesn't want kids. What is more painful about this is the FACT that all women know the answers to all these questions.

Does playing victim show the feminine part of us or what? I am no exception and you my friend is neither. Its planted on our DNA to bear all the pain. Just because a woman is prepared for the most challenging and painful experience of child bearing doesn't mean even in life they should be looking for challenging and painful relationships to show their strength. We already know how strong you can be, how much you could cry through the pain without giving up. Most of us have gone through those phases, some of us are still going through it and some of us are going to find ourselves in the same situation sooner or later. It doesn't matter really, that`s what makes life interesting.

In a relationship, a man and woman are different and its important to know the differences to spare ourselves from pain and disappointments and here are the 3 most important differences;

1. A man knows what he wants out of each relationship WHEREAS a woman just go with the flow.
    maybe this is because men are the one who proposes and they choose looking at what they want and women have to wait and see if they will like whoever proposes. 

2. Men listen but don't see WHEREAS women see but don't listen.
Ladies don't think that if you cook or clean for him, that will hint that you want to get married. He doesn't even notice you are doing those. Its not about what you do but how he perceive you. If in some of your conversations he say "You are not marriage material, Who is going to marry you?", he means it, listen to him. But most of the time women won't even hear those remarks. Who listens to that silly stuff anyway, its just a joke. Yes it will be a joke until he chooses the one fitting his description of marriage material.

3. Men act but dont talk WHEREAS women talk but don't act.
They say actions speak louder than words. A man doesn't have to tell a woman how much he loves, cares for her. It shows from his behaviour, his smile and his conversations. You don't have to search for it, but women will want a man to talk about this love, they want him to say it, force words out of his mouth. You are doing this because you see he doesn't love you but you want to feel better about yourself.

A month is more than enough for a man to decide whether you are a KEEPER or a FISH. Your tears won't change his mind. You know the truth, so don't play victim.