Friday 13 June 2014

"You have the potential, but you are failing yourself."

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” Zig Ziglar

There will come a time when nothing interests you. You wake up and you are in no mood to do anything yet you have so much to do. You feel nothing is interesting in life, you are not looking forward to going to work, you drag your feet to work after-all you have no choice but to show your face there. Yes! we all go through this most of the days if not everyday.. 

You look around you, you find someone who seems to have all the energy and time in the world, the type of person who is focused and disciplined and you wonder " this person on some kind of drugs or what? what keeps them so motivated, don't they ever have setbacks?". But the answer is Yes they also have their ups and downs. The only difference between them and you is that they know WHY they have to do what they do. They have a burning desire to succeed and can`t find any reason not to do it. They have placed a picture of their dreams in front of them and everyday when they look at it, it becomes more clearer and more enticing that they cant let go. They are passion-driven.

Ask yourself today and everyday WHY you have to wake up every morning, why you have to get to that job, why you have to meet those people, why you are in that relationship, why you eat the food that you eat, why you read that book, why you hang out with those friends. What do you really want to achieve? How will achieving that make you feel? Is it money that you want, is it happiness, is it power, is it peace of mind, is it fame? What is it that is burning you inside to accomplish? What is that first step you need to take to accomplish that? Have a clear vision and boldly take that first step because what matters is NOW and what you can do now. Be it talking to someone about your dream, researching on your dreams, asking God to give you strength to do it, writing it down and saying it loud. Do something about it and the more you do those little tasks towards achieving your goal, the more it becomes real and beautiful and before you know it you will be immensely motivated to move forward.

You have all the time in the world, trust me, that job doesnt take all your 24 hrs, that baby doesnt either, neither is that school. Right now at this moment, write down all you did yesterday at work and at home from 8am until the time you went to bed. Include even the time you took to finish each task. Assuming they were all important, calculate how many hours you took doing something. You have the potential, but you are failing yourself. You are your own dream wrecker!