Monday 14 July 2014

Its your Journey.

Be NOT afraid of growing slowly; be afraid ONLY of standing still.

When I look back at my life, I don`t regret any decision I ever made, I don`t regret any of my relationships, I don`t regret any of my friends, I appreciate all the challenges I went through, I am grateful for all the blessings that came my way, and I am SUPER excited to my future. YES my life was of a typical youth in Botswana and is still is. What is exciting about my life are the transformations that I go through everyday.

You ask me today, what Personal Development means and I will answer "Your willingness to invest on your individual self". Individual Self reflects a person`s subjective uniqueness such as traits and behaviors, hobbies and interests, aspirations and goals- that differentiate you from others. How much are you willing to invest, be it money or time on your spiritual realization, on your emotions, mental, physical and social aspect of your life. It all depends on your priorities in life, and if you want to grow as an individual, personal development should be at your forefront. One speaker at a seminar I attended last weekend compared a person on a journey of life- to a vehicle on the road. Every now and then the vehicle has to stop and fuel before continuing with the journey and same applies to us.

For you to reach your destination, every now and then you have to stop and fuel, that is, reflect on the journey, get advice, get some inspirations, recharge yourself and set another pace. I will pay the price, I will dedicate my time for my personal development. I word hard, I party hard, I lazy around more often, my life is so interesting that I cant afford to be on "Low Battery". It might be a slow, long journey but every moment is worth my time and my efforts. I was listening to this Pastor the other day preaching and his message was so powerful and I felt it was directed to me. I wanted to go upfront and shake his hand and say "You are on point Pastor", but was afraid He will say "Fire!" and I will fall to the ground. I am only not that type of risk-taker. His message had the following 3 points which I will explain on my next post. 

1. Don`t be afraid to be alone.
2. Be willing to trade off.
3. Fight the urge to give up.
Remember Its your journey. You are not going to walk on anyone`s shoes and no one wants yours either...