Tuesday 9 December 2014

Who is the "side chick"???

For a change I thought I should write about something that doesn't concern anyone and is not important, you get my point?
I have heard this name "side chick" many times and never understood what it meant. So I want to know from people out there what it really means and how to tell the difference between the "side chick" and "main chick", whatever that means also?

But of course I have my own opinion which is somewhat not true or right definition, but I am all ears to be convinced otherwise. If you are married this is not meant for you, but rather for us who have false confidence of promoting ourselves in a relationship without even discussing it with our partners.

Here is the scenario; you start dating this guy and all is cool first months, you don`t ask him about his other girlfriends, you don`t check his phone, you don`t inquire about his friends or his whereabouts, all is superb Until maybe he say something or show you something (I am still to find out what it is though). I call it promotion because now you start calling the shots, hehehehe Modemo! You all know what I am talking about but that`s not the point, you get my point?

The point here is how do you know you are not the side chick? What gives you the guts to call another woman a side chick? What promise were you given that was not given to that other woman? We all know these brothers are not loyal... they are still searching for that lady who can wear their wedding ring and before they make that choice, don`t we think we all stand a better chance? Where is fair competition, I think Competition Authority should look into this matter. "Stay away from my man", the common phrase, hee Batho! what man? whose man? come on guys.

Imagine if the same unfair competition was used when applying for a job. And those with the confidence that they will get the job start harassing those who also want to apply. I can already hear them saying "stay away from my job", and go to the extent of tearing up your application or even beating you up at the interview, ijoo!

You are only cheated on if you are married, otherwise just take a chill pill and relax and take care of yourself. Those battles are not meant for you. You are after all a side chick, period!, wait for the lawful and rightful promotion. We should be fighting against being treated as side chicks, instead of fighting other side chicks. That's so disrespectful to the female species and should be condemned....

Caution: Dont try this at home...