Friday 10 April 2015

Just for Laughs (Part 2)..4 jokes that cracks me up every time…

This one ain`t a joke, my cousin was so naughty, (he still is) to a point that it became so annoying. He was 2+ years old at the time and was still learning some words and what they meant. They taught him to answer to any question that started with “Ke mang yo o….?”, “Who did this?” with “Ke nna!”, “Its me.” He would run to the person asking and start shaking them to get the attention, shouting “Ke nna!”He used to get all the beating and what used to kill me with laughter was the expression on his face, going from excitement to sorrow and the fact that he didn't know what he did wrong. Little did we know that we were turning him into a young brilliant liar. Nowadays if you ask him, “How are you?”, he will quickly say “Its not me!”.

And this story my cousin and I laugh about every day. Her cousin was attacked by a thief and demanded for the wallet and cell phone holding a stone on his hand. The cousin was brave enough, and that’s the reason I love English Medium schools as we call them. They teach kids to be brave and to stand up for themselves. He stood there tapping his fingers asking, “So what are you gonna do?” (with that English Medium tone and confidence). My guess is the thief`s response was “I can show you better than I can tell you!” The thief griped him by the neck, held him close and start beating him on the head with the stone clenched to his hand. He took his wallet and the phone and walked away. Moral of the story: You don’t question our traditional thieves because they get so annoyed especially if you try to intimidate them with the Queen`s language. Just give them their belongings and walk away unharmed.

God forgive me for this one but I just can`t resist it. Accidents are awful and there is nothing funny about them. I find this joke funny because I am definitely sure it never happened. It’s a well-known joke but I find it funny every time I hear it. The accident where one`s lips were cut from the mouth and his teeth left outside (smiling type of way). I can imagine how people got pissed by seeing him “smiling” when other people were hurting. “Sir, can you please stop laughing, if you are not going to help us, at least move away from here”.. And the hurting guy trying to explain that he is not smiling…lol.  Anyway these things happen and life goes on. I guess the moral of the story here is Don’t judge a book by its cover (hope i used it correctly)

The last joke: there is always one person in our circles who is just naturally funny. The kind of person you try to avoid when you are in public because you would not want to embarrass yourself. You will laugh until you see your tears running down your legs… And to me they don’t even have to say anything, I start laughing the moment they try to open their mouth to say something. I know for sure whats going to come out of their mouth is funny so I don’t even have to wait to hear what they are going to say. I don’t waste my time. One day you will experience such and you will understand what I am talking about.

And keep a sense of humor. It doesn’t mean you have to tell jokes. If you can’t think of anything else, when you’re my age, take off your clothes and walk in front of a mirror. I guarantee you’ll get a laugh. — Art Linkletter