Friday 21 August 2015

Get Started!

The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps - we must step up the stairs.

Those who have watched their kids on their first walk will understand. I remember very well the first time my son stood up and moved his foot. Of course he immediately fell, but how quickly he stood up again and tried was a marvel to watch. You could see the excitement on his eyes and feel the determination. All he needed to do was START and I guess we can now talk of miracles if need be. He started and there was no turning back. One foot after the other, falling, standing up, one, two, down, up, one, two, three, yeah! hardwork nana, keep the momentum and Bingo!

The most difficult thing in life is getting started. Many of us do not reach our goals and don`t realize our dreams because we just cant START. You fail to start and eventually you give up on your dream. 

You find this lady you truly love and you wish you could ask her out but you get too scared, what if she say No, what if she doesn't respond as I want. These questions overpower the what if she say YES question and you end up giving up the chase. Then you keep regretting, but you didn't try, you couldn't START the process. 

You have this burning desire to start a business, the idea is great and you are excited about it. A few months later someone else has started the same idea and doing a wonderful job. That`s exactly how you pictured it, and yes you once explained it to them, but you didn't START, no one stole your idea but someone implemented what you couldn't start for so many months. yeah! such is life.

There is a call that PRDP's (whatever that is!) are free and everyone is rushing to the opportunity, well not me, I will wait until everything settles down. By the time everything settles down rules have changed, prices have gone up, you cant do it anymore and you beat yourself up, but you didn't start, you couldn't do it when you needed to. (just saying anyway, not sure this example is relevant). maybe the Gaborone North plots 20 years back would have been a better example.

The bottom line is don`t expect miracles out of nothing. We expect a miracle to happen to someone in Gaborone who went to a tap, turned it on, no water but wait in hope that water will come out, but we cant expect the same to happen to someone lying on a sofa, updating Facebook status "No water here". Make an effort if you want to achieve anything in life. 

Life is exciting once you realize what you can do and how much you can change on this earth. I have this believe that spontaneous people enjoy life. These are people with no boundaries, people who are still kids at heart. And you will find that they are always happy, not because they don`t go through tribulations and heartbreak but because they see beyond the pain. They understand that nothing stays forever and life is all about getting through to the other end. Keep moving forward no matter what.