Thursday 21 January 2016

The power of vision!

I am this type of person who believes I could find a solution to any problem or challenge that come my way. I might not know how or where to look to at that particular moment but I know it will come and in most cases I wouldn`t have to spend sleepless nights over it. I believed I was just born lucky and my affirmation "God will provide, or God will show me how"always worked wonders. Until I read a book which put everything on perspective.

I have come to a point in my life where I don`t question anything that happens in my life. I might not know what brings about satisfaction in your life but to me having "Peace of Mind" is the most fulfilling feeling ever. And how do you get these feelings;
                                                               mental and emotional calmness
                                                               happiness and freedom
                                                               no worries;
when the world we live in presents; pain and sorrow, heartbreaks, untrustworthy loved ones, no jobs, all disheartening events to name a few. All you need is to find your purpose and have a vision.

Let me be spiritual for a bit now; You see when God created this world, He had a vision, just like a builder building a house will have a sketch of how it should look like before they even start building. Everything was clear to God and He keeps on amending and making new developments to His creation. The world is never coming to an end, that we can bet on. God didn`t save you or me to go to Heaven, No! We are saved to finish our assignments on earth.

You might have come as a surprise to your parents but not to God. He knew when and where He will need you to carry out His assignment. You were born at the right time and place and your purpose has already been finished in the spiritual world, all you need to do is fulfill it on earth. You can have all the riches on this earth, or be the poorest person alive but you will never be satisfied or happy until you fulfill your purpose. You see being rich and being poor are both hobbies chosen by different people, its all in the mindset, buts that`s a topic for another day. Your purpose will come to you as a vision.

Where do you get your vision, and How do you know your purpose?
What I have realised is that, we will enjoy the earthly things, do this, do that and when you have consumed everything or I say tried all, you still find yourself unhappy then you turn to God to give you your purpose. "Your purpose is already there!", (excuse me for shouting) but it has been there even before your were born. We then do all sorts of things to find something that is within us. You go to church to have a prophesy. Sorry to say this but I have never heard anyone saying their prophesy was a lie, these men and women of God have that interesting capabilities of looking into your life and thoughts. They are not looking into your future but giving you hope for the future and making you reflect on your life and thoughts. Some we check-in at sangomas, traditional doctors, pyschics e.t.c

All you need is to look deep into your soul, take time by yourself and do some self-introspection, find who you are and become friends with your thoughts. Can you hear that cry? That burning desire to achieve something, Those thoughts that keep coming back to you year in, year out. Those constant reminders of what you should do? Then dont look any further, God will guide you and bring the right helpers and get rid of the obstacles. Put your trust on Him and He will do miracles.