Friday 22 July 2016

Change your story!

Life can be cruel at times. You can get the hardest slap across your face that would send you down on your bottom. When this happens we react differently, some lie there and cry their heart out, cursing everyone and everything and even the day they were born. You ask yourself "Why me?", why not you?.

And then we have the fearless ones, those who no matter how painful and hard the slap they will stand up and face the challenge again. They remind me of the school fights back then. Those who got slapped and will stand up, face you and say "You wont slap me again". They got slapped again and would still get back up and say "Not again".I think these type of people life get tired of hitting them and at the end they win, not sure though.

When life knocks you down, you have a difficult choice to make. You can cry and tell people how unfortunate you are, some will pity you of course, some will laugh, but eventually people will get used to the story and get tired of the same story. People are always looking for a new story, whether positive or negative, we want to hear and see something different for a change. Yes we get tired, the story no longer becomes interesting. When are you going to change your story?

We have a few who will face the challenge, not necessarily head on, but will train, will learn the tactics, will create a team of like minded who can help them face the fight. They equip themselves and get ready for the second round. And how do they get ready? They ask God for strength, they read books, they ask experienced people. They dream and nurture their dreams such that they are bigger than their fears. These people have a story that is known by everyone. They have been slapped. Some people are laughing at them, those who love them feel sorry for them, they pity them. But they are determined to change that story.

When you decide to change your story, other people will stand up and help you rewrite your story. Do you have the burning desire to re-write your life story. How much are you willing to sacrifice to reach for your dreams. What story are you going to write? Are you going to repeat the same story all over again or are you willing to write a new one, close that chapter and write a good one. Are you going to stay a victim or you want to be seen as a survivor, as a hero despite the circumstances you encountered. Its only a matter of choice, you change the way you see yourself and you tell yourself everyday that you are better than yesterday and tomorrow you will be better than today.

Dont look for people`s approval, the world would tell you you cant do it, that you are not good enough, that you dont have the skills or experience. All these will echo on your head until you believe them. But you can choose to ignore the world and believe in yourself. Do what resonates with you trusting, hoping and having faith on your creator that He wont let you go this far to forsake you. Its only after you have travelled this world, you have set down with different people that you will understand that what you are going through is nothing compared to the next person. That's when you will learn to appreciate the little things that you have.

Only a few if not none will support you during the process, but everyone is watching. Some cant wait to tell you "We told you, you cant do this", some cant wait to congratulate you when you are successful. That's just life! We have to live it anyway. Change your story. Its never too late.