Thursday 19 January 2017

Be warned!

2016 was a great year especially for me. I had so many things to figure out and to decide on. There was so much of wondering and a bit of what ifs here and there. One message I got from last year which transformed my thinking was “Don`t just go through life, but grow through life, for Growth is Joy.”

I know my birthday is a bit far but I need all of you my beloved friends to know that I am growing through life and I don`t need past years negativity and witchcraft surrounding me. I don`t understand why you people act like you are history books, and where do you get the memory to keep such archives. The way I take selfies everyday my phone wouldn`t allow me to keep any photo I took yesterday. But you people have photos from 5 years back, my cousin has a photo taken in 1987 in her phone, I mean shouldn`t that photo be at a museum at least or maybe a monument like “Dikgosi tse tharo”, that would make sense.

You wait until they get a Facebook notification saying “Its Tsaone`s birthday today”, Yo! Yo! Yo! You will swear they just got out of witchcraft initiation, strong and ready to take down the world. Before you know it your timeline is full of people you don`t even recognize and they are using these ugly people to wish you a happy birthday. Why don`t you type “HBD” if you have nothing good to say. You peep through the photos and you see three people, “the witch”, you and a guy beside you, when you look closer, “Your Ex”! uhu... You don`t have any picture of you and this guy/girl, don`t know how he/she might look like now, you don`t even know whether he/she is in Botswana or relocated to Francistown and someone have the audacity to surprise you. Well I am surprised, very much surprised.

As if that is not enough, another one posts a picture of you back then, before real phones and makeup, you know those photos when you had acne problem and your face looked really bad. Hehehehe! 10 minutes later you have 45 inboxes and 73 friend requests of people asking you what you used on your face, sad stories of people telling you how long they have been struggling with pimples and you should help them. Do you know how hard it is to start replying to those people saying “ My sister I know what you are talking about, surrender yourself God and you will find your healing. Let him cleanse you, you will see miracles” when you know your skin is still the same but you have grown to accept it and bought your makeup kit and a real phone. You know better not to take that negativity to Facebook.

If you don`t have any good picture of me say it now so I send you my perfect selfies. And delete all those photos you have of me. Just delete all of them, I know they bad, you didn`t take me from my good side and beauty was not activated, and that was not me. Do unto others what you would like done unto you. Some phones are better left to do what they are good at, calling and sending messages. Motho a te a leke go ntsaya senepe ka Nokia, o tlaa utwa hela ka mpama ha gare ga matho. Less talking, more action.