Sunday 12 January 2014

Message to you!

Hello once again and Welcome back!
God has given us yet another year to fulfil our purpose on this earth. We are all writing our own books of life and we better ask ourselves if we are writing a masterpiece or just a book full of crap. One thing I learned with aging is “to live with no regrets”. I have failed many times and have succeeded more times than I have failed, because my failures were never my setback but my motivation to work even harder and focus more. I have cried my eyes out and always remembered my hands to wipe away the tears and smile again. My heart has been broken before but I always managed to find the scattered pieces, pick them up, make it whole and be able to love again wholeheartedly.
No matter what happens in your life, always see the better side, as they say, “There is always light at the end of the dark tunnel”. When night falls, we know there would be light in the morning. Every night before you go to bed ask yourself if you are ready for tomorrow because if you are not, it will be a waste to even ask God to wake you up in the morning. Ask not anyone but successful people what the key to success is, and they will tell you “Preparation”, anyone else will say “Money”, #always thinking the end results and never the process#. Every morning when you wake up, smile, because that’s a blessing in itself. As you step out of your house, smile and say, “World, here I come”, because you are stepping out into opportunities, beautiful, endless opportunities which await you to tap into.
Now my new year`s message is: This is our year, a year to stop complaining and start solving problems; A year to stop depending on the government but the government to depend on us. Make your mark visible and do the best you can. We are raising a generation of go-getters, a generation which is talented, smarter, intelligent and innovative. So believe in yourself and in your dreams. Remember You are Extraordinary and unique. Dream Big and Bigger and Bigger....
To men: Be as gentle and responsible.
To Ladies: Know your worth, Be a woman of virtue.
Compliments of the new season to all of you.!!!!

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