Monday 27 January 2014

Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle

I wonder who will relate with this one, but I am definitely sure many.....

1. Days before Payday: Broke mode

The last time you looked at your account balance, oh not look but thought about your account, it just turned your face sour. Imagine this scenario, You are walking down the road and someone dropped their wallet, as broke as you were you pretended to turn a blind eye. As soon as they were in no sight you rushed to pick up the wallet and what you saw was..
and I wonder how thieves really feel when this happens after their hard work and putting their lives at risk.. This mode can be best described as the unhappy mode, you can tell from the way a person walks (you walk facing down, you are too ashamed to look at the world), the way they dress (its like something bad happened to your wardrobe, you got robbed and people had to donate clothes for you and they don`t seem to go well together) and even their face (suddenly pimples are harassing you). You send out call backs but you get no response and you start telling yourself, "Oh, this is how they operate, they don`t call when I am down, just wait until I get paid, I will show them who I am". Hey, you are not the only one who is broke, so give people a break.
2.  A few hours before payday: Anxious Mode

You know today is the day, you are anxious, restless, all these emotions fill up your mind. And then "what ifs" start to take over, What if we don`t get paid today? You know for sure you will collapse....Your phone beeps and excited you pick it up with a smile and there is a promotional message from Mascom or Orange, hahahaha! Back to that anxious face again, you start pacing around the office, you forget what you being paid for. After a long, energy consuming wait, you get paid and Yipee!.......
This brings an interesting, dangerous mode which I will explain in the next post called "I just got paid"!

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