Thursday 20 February 2014

I Just Got Paid Syndrome

FINALLY! Payday has arrived, and you can feel your body quiver in anticipation (that may be the wallet you are sitting on). As that message beep on your mobile phone, your brain is casually deciding what you are going to buy first, your stomach sinks through the floor, through the Earth and somewhere far into Las Vegas. That paycheck you've been longing for?
I wonder how you feel on payday. Are you happy? Excited? Relieved? Indifferent? I know people will assume the next person feels the same way as they are feeling but I doubt that’s the case. Came across an article which talked about how people feel on payday and I am going to quote it as is;

“Let’s take a look at some of the feelings that I think people probably feel when it is payday for them.

WOO! It’s Payday! (Happy/Excited)
I think there is a large group of people that are happy when it is payday. Why are they happy? Some are happy that their bank balance increased because they paid themselves first. Others are happy because they now have money in their checking account to go spend on the hottest gadget of the month.

Relieved It Is Finally Payday… PHEW!
I’d say there is a smaller group that is relieved that it is payday. Actually, the more I think about it the more I think this group is larger than I’d hope. My bet would be that this group barely stretched their budget to make it to the next payday. More likely this group is relieved because they finally have some money in the bank account again to pay a debt collector or past due bill. 

Meh… It’s Payday (Indifference)
At this point I have no clue how many people feel indifferent about payday. Why would people feel indifferent? They might not have to worry about bills because they have a full emergency fund and some extra slack in their bank account to cover an extra month of budget.
Others might feel indifferent because they simply just don’t care about money at all. These people are either doing well for themselves and have a secure financial picture or they just don’t care at all.
Then, of course, there are the people who feel indifferent because they don’t even realize it is payday. Again, these people are likely oblivious or are financially secure.”

Payday does affect one’s behavior and it leads to many bad things we only take for granted. Will only mention a few and hope I wouldn't have to explain anything since its common sense (whatever that means)
  1. 1.    I don’t understand why suddenly people have a great appetite, this appetite can’t be satisfied at home, No, eating out and the meals in front of them you won’t see them from the other side.
  2. 2.      High mortality rate due to some consumption which may lead to dangerous behavior.
  3. 3.  Every car on the road resulting in traffic and accidents. (it’s hard to get in a traffic accident if you can’t afford to leave the house)

As I said just to mention a few, I could go on but you know I like to keep my posts as short as possible not that I have nothing to write but……………

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