Friday 28 February 2014

Roller-coaster that is...Parenthood

Does everyone go through these emotions or some of us are just singled out????

The moment they say "You are going to be a Mother or Father", your world starts changing before you. You are filled with emotions you can't even explain. Some are scared and thinking "Oh my God!, what have I done! Am I really ready for this?". Some are frustrated and disappointed and keep on asking God to wake them up from this terrible dream, "This can't be happening NO, NO, Please No...". Some are so over the moon, so happy! and can't wait to hold that bundle of joy on their hands. Until the bundle of joy turn into a LITTLE RASCAL..

Raising a child is not like building a business where you have to read as many books, attend workshops, build a strong network and master your strategy, well all those doesn't work here. No one is ever prepared or ready. Parenthood chooses you and we are always caught off guard. It's not a question of choice. It changes the way you think about yourself, your family, your friends, and the world at large. It changes the way you look at life, the way you reflect, and the way you act and react. It teaches you to examine things you never gave a second thought to before delivery, and to question the things you always thought were right and true. But the best thing is it brings the best out of you.

Everything involving children is painful in some way, from the moment you conceive, through birth, to keeping you awake in the middle of the night crying, falling sick, falling while trying to walk or stand, destroying everything in the house they come across, eating what they are not supposed to eat, from your simcards to soap and just anything. And as they grow you think you are done with that and now you going to enjoy life, ha! ha! believe me, that previous phase was just nothing, now you are into real parenting. The emotions, whether they are joy, sorrow, love or pride, are so deep and sharp that in the end they leave you raw, exposed and yes, in pain. The human heart was not designed to beat outside the human body and yet, each child represent just that - a parent's heart bared, beating forever outside its chest.

The beauty of having children is that, there is never a dull moment at home, it doesn't matter how old they are, 5 years, 15 years, 25 years, 35 years or 45 years, its just drama after drama, laughter after laughter, sorrow after sorrow and just a ROLLER-COASTER OF EMOTIONS. It is a beautiful ride, a wild ride, and the most incredible journey you will ever take.

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