Thursday 12 December 2013

Boat Cruising Experience

What an experience!

Enjoying my ride
Falling in-love with nature!
If you have been to Maun and you have never gone for a boat cruise I feel pity for you. This place holds what I call "Thee life". After working hard during the week, one deserve a peaceful relaxation and what place is more appropriate than the river?

Its truly up-close and personal. The soft breeze, silence, green view and only the sound of the boat gives one the ability to experience the destination in an intimate, colorful, and immediate way.
where the three rivers meet

Lecturers and Expert Guides
If you want the best out of your trip, you need a good lecturer or guide. Someone to enhance your learning experience, providing information which will help understand and fully appreciate what you are seeing. There is so much history around these rivers and the people living there. Ranging from when the place was dry and people thought the rivers will never flow again and started making fields. You can still see the fences and poles for the fields. Talk about the buffalo fence which was in place and the water flow through the three rivers.
Fascinating Views
As we  rode down the river I was left perplexed by women in the middle of the river collecting "Tswii". I thought the river has crocodiles, hippos, dangerous animals, but watching them you will think they were just in a pool at Lion`s park. So relaxed but the fascinating part is when they will vanish into the water and shortly you will see their heads coming out of the water and wave to the passing tourists. Every life around the river is happy, the trees, so green and full of life, birds flying around, children playing in the water as if the are not aware of the dangers it carry, fishermen beside the river and the houses built along the river bank. "Thee life I tell you!"

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