Thursday 14 November 2013

A friend that you are!

Friendship used to be easier when we were kids, when sitting next to each other in class, eating and playing together was all that was needed. Then came adulthood with all its challenges, frustrations, expectations, responsibilities and complications, and friendship became something we have to tiptoe around. At times I wish I never grew up!

Its easier to label someone else as a good friend or bad friend, but do we know what type of friends we are to other people? Well, some of us know! you see, everyone act differently to different individuals. At times you are not even aware that you are such a bad friend or good friend. Friendship is just how you relate with other people and most of the time its influenced by your upbringing, what you went through in life.

Before I wrote this post, I wanted to share with you guys some of the bad friends we might have, but then as I was jotting down the types of these friends and how they behave, I couldn't stop finding some of these traits on me. Oh My God! I am such a bad friend, I console myself by reminding myself that "No one is perfect" but that's not enough. Transformation is what I am undergoing from now on, for a good friendship is a healthy relationship.

Now to the point, Judge yourself before you could judge anyone else;
1. Opportunist--->Are you friends with them because there is something you want to gain from the friendship, maybe you want to get close to their friends. You ask for their help but never return a favor. You are always too busy for them.... bad bad friend!
2. Self-centered--->your conversations are all about you, "I want this, i bought this, i have this and that". Its hard to notice this one but, if you are the one who is always talking and people are always listening to you. Bad habit!
3.Victim----->you are always complaining, want people to feel sorry for you. Always blaming other people for the hardships in your life. Hey hey, cheer up, you are sulking the moment. You are a bad friend period!
4. Clingy---->you don't want to share your friend with other people, you complain about their other friends to an extent of separating them with those friends. You are just lonely, and by the time you find someone more important e.g. significant other, you will ditch your friends only to come back when things go wrong again..what can I say, you know what you are!
5. Fake---->you smile in your friend's face and the moment she/he is not around you put them down verbally. not a friend at all!
6. Competitor-->you always want to know what your friends are up to, you want to have their friends, their boy/girlfriends. They buy a car, then you make sure you also buy a car. They get married, you also want to get married. You take their ideas and make them yours. Unhealthy competition I tell you.

I could go on and on.....

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