Monday 11 November 2013

The Friends We Have (Part 1)

What I write here is inspired by what happens in my life. For some unknown reasons, fate brings friend to a friend and leaves everything to human nature. While a few special friendships last a lifetime, the vast majority prove easier to leave behind.

We all have friends and we all need friends in our lives. As they say "The company we keep can make or break us", its critical to understand the kind of friends you have. Are they making you or Are they breaking.???

This post will concentrate on good friends which are worth keeping. I have read a few posts and quotes on friendship and there are many kinds of friends,but I only picked 7 types which I can really relate with or the type of friends I have in my cycles on this lifetime. Mind you these are good friends we should have;

  1. Mentor----->Acts like a mother, she motivates you, help you when you need them. They are not always there in your life but every meeting, or call with them brings the best out of you. They know more than you do and they are like your role model.
  2. Honest Friend--->will tell you like it is, whether you like it or not, they are brutally honest but not mean. They are the kind of friends who will tell you that your boy/girlfriend is cheating on you, or that that shirt doesn't look good on you and will go to an extent of finding you something suitable
  3. The Listener---->A friend who would make time for you, who would listen to the drama and difficulty in your life without judgement and without interrupting or giving advice (unless you ask). They provide a shoulder to cry on.
  4. Mentee----->Someone usually younger than you who look up to you as a mentor and you give advice to.
  5. The Challenger---->Someone who lives a totally different life from you, you continually argue with because you dont share the same philosophy when it comes to life, but you learn a lot from on the process.
  6. Risk Taker---->adventurous, will make you do things out of your comfort zone, brings about new and best aspect of yourself you never thought you had.
  7. Comic Relief--->Will make you laugh your lungs out. Funny characters you cant live without. Whether in good or bad times, they will lift your spirit up, when you are bored, they are the first to come to your mind. Usually meet them for fun.
What other type of good friends did I leave out?

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