Wednesday 6 November 2013

All that for a blister on the foot!!!

Ok... like I said the diary was not the purpose of this blog. But before I could tell you its purpose, some flashbacks have been running through my mind, i really tried to ignore them, believe me. But they are so intense, reminding me of that feeling when you have a crush on someone and you don't want them to notice... hehehehe #hiding#

Over the weekend Femina-Woman held a convention which its purpose was to empower women and re-ignite their dreams, what a session! The speakers were so on point, professionals in motivational speaking. Their speeches could just lift you up and you could see your dream so clear you could even touch it. But I guess that's the purpose of motivational speaking. Saying this as if I was there to listen to those brilliant speeches...Ija! I couldnt even sit down to listen to the whole speech of  any of the speakers. What i got was a blister on the foot from running around preparing for the guests and making sure everything goes as planned. Yeah! those are the fruits of organising.......

You know making our dreams come true is something we all want AND yet something most of us fail to achieve. Fear always consume us whenever we try to make a move towards our dreams. And the one thing i managed to grab from the convention apart from the blister is The fact that, we all need a mentor in our lives.(will get into it some other time).

I cant stop wondering how far I would have gone if I had a mentor, someone to remind me everyday that I can do it, that I am capable. Someone to help me through my fears and hold my hand and tell me "We will get through this together", I swear I would have climbed up and down those electric stairs I fear so much.....

Many people are scared of the "unknown." The unknown can branch out to many areas such as the hereafter, the next ten years, or even tomorrow. Many people are too scared to take the path they want to, because of what may lie ahead. We fear our own dreams....

Face your Fears and you will be able to Face the World........

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