Tuesday 19 November 2013

What it means to be a man!

Like other people, I also have prepared a little speech to commemorate International Men`s day; and here is how it goes.

I thank God today for making us all see this day. There is time for everything in life and like any other day God created this day. They are the people we love to hate. Go to any women`s forums and hear how evil these people are, how cruel, how inhuman. Listen to the names they are given, ranging from "dog" to "ramoshwe". All those for being a man!

But God never forsake them, and today He made us remember them and celebrate them for they are special in their own way. And as I looked around in men in my life, I couldn't stop wondering what it really means to be a man, and I realized that being a man means a lot of things.

What it means to be a man!

  1.  “Being a man means being able to fold a map and never stop for directions.”
  2.  “Being a man means getting yelled at for forgetting to put the seat down.”
  3. If another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you just might become lifelong friends.
  4. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. but pay a fortune for her woman`s hairstyle.
  5. You spend your hard earned money to take your children to school and when they grow up they celebrate mothers' day....!
  6. After buying a ring, you'll need a woman to confirm whether you get married or not.
  7. You have to act tough no matter your fears.
  8. You feel compelled to make money, and then to throw it away in public.

These are not jokes, but the truth. Men make sacrifices everyday their entire life for their families, their friends, colleagues and even strangers. They always put their happiness aside for those they love but who cares?? I mean really??? They are our fathers, our uncles, our brothers, our sons, our husbands, our boyfriends, our dear friends....

I want us all to take this day and think of all the good, funny, weird things men do for us  and appreciate. Let them know we love them no matter what, for they are who they are, MEN! and we are proud of them. And to our baby boys "Grow up to be a man!"

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