Tuesday 17 December 2013

Goodbye 2013, Welcome 2014

There comes a time in our lives when we have to reflect on our journey throughout the year. The time when we have to look back and smile, look back and cry for we have seen, we have experienced, we have endured, we have suffered, we have laughed, we have cried BUT all in all we have survived.

This time comes as a celebration to show how grateful and thankful we are to the Almighty.For us to have reached this far is by the grace of God and that`s why Christmas day is so special to us. It should not matter whether you go to church or not, whether you are a christian or not or what you believe in. At the end of the day we all believe in the Supernatural Power, the power above all of us, a creator and a protector. "He who say perish and we die". We say thank you Lord for leading our way and we call unto you once again to accompany us throughout these years.

Each year comes with its blessings, its challenges and its opportunities. Some of us had the best year ever in 2013, and some of us had the worst year ever. No matter what happened this year, you should be grateful for being alive and having to experience what you experienced, having to go through that, having to see that because someone did not have that opportunity. Look forward to next year with an open heart and an optimistic vision. Believe in yourself and be determined to work harder to achieve your goals. Nothing falls into our lap without work, neither success or failure, we call both of them into our lives and its up-to us which one we want most. No one promised you a smooth sailing but you have to learn to hold tight and stay focused. Let your achievements this year be your inspiration to achieve more and your failures be a motivation to be a better person.

This is the last post I am writing this year and I would like to say Thank you to all my readers. 

Thursday 12 December 2013

Boat Cruising Experience

What an experience!

Enjoying my ride
Falling in-love with nature!
If you have been to Maun and you have never gone for a boat cruise I feel pity for you. This place holds what I call "Thee life". After working hard during the week, one deserve a peaceful relaxation and what place is more appropriate than the river?

Its truly up-close and personal. The soft breeze, silence, green view and only the sound of the boat gives one the ability to experience the destination in an intimate, colorful, and immediate way.
where the three rivers meet

Lecturers and Expert Guides
If you want the best out of your trip, you need a good lecturer or guide. Someone to enhance your learning experience, providing information which will help understand and fully appreciate what you are seeing. There is so much history around these rivers and the people living there. Ranging from when the place was dry and people thought the rivers will never flow again and started making fields. You can still see the fences and poles for the fields. Talk about the buffalo fence which was in place and the water flow through the three rivers.
Fascinating Views
As we  rode down the river I was left perplexed by women in the middle of the river collecting "Tswii". I thought the river has crocodiles, hippos, dangerous animals, but watching them you will think they were just in a pool at Lion`s park. So relaxed but the fascinating part is when they will vanish into the water and shortly you will see their heads coming out of the water and wave to the passing tourists. Every life around the river is happy, the trees, so green and full of life, birds flying around, children playing in the water as if the are not aware of the dangers it carry, fishermen beside the river and the houses built along the river bank. "Thee life I tell you!"

Thursday 5 December 2013

My Bad Habit! (this was written in a rush)

I was not in the mood to write anything today because today is supposed to be a busy day for us at work. A day we are coming together to celebrate us. A fun event of team building and Christmas party. But here I am again in front of the computer writing a piece to leave with my readers to analyse and this time I want a solution from you guys.

I once attended a workshop and one of the speakers talked about how women never watch or read news and said its the reason they are behind when it comes business because opportunities exist in news. I realized that this was to an extent very true, and I had to cut down on my "soapie" hours, with the believe that i will start watching and reading news, but even today i still don't and it really pains me. 

I always wish that the concentration I use watching Telemundo channel could be the same concentration on news channels. This is very sad because as an entrepreneur I have to be up-to date with current news, know whats happening around the world and get first hand information not hear from the streets. But when it comes to news I am always the last person to know, from other people for that matter and the funny thing is how people will always be surprised; "Ao Tsaone, you didn't know?" and that's it.

Not that I never switch on the TV or radio or watch, but the funny thing is when these news are shown on TV especially if they involve a person, I don't listen, I start talking about that person, how i know that person, what they did. I never listen to what is being said at that moment.

I remember when Michael Jackson passed on , during the news i had to make fun of him telling people about him and never heard that he has passed until later that day when I heard people talking about in the streets, it was painful because I watched the news but did hear anything. Same thing happened when Paul Walker died and thanks to Facebook to inform me when I had watched him in news that day and didnt care to listen to what was being said.

And today I am really sad because I heard from people this morning that our hero Nelson Mandela has passed on when I saw the news and didn't bother myself listening to what was being said. Is this a disease or what? Am I normal? Cant I concentrate just for a few minutes to listen to news? I need help and URGENTLY..... Anyway I am out to play soccer, "Team e thata ka nna" Blessed weekend!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Dear Grandma!

Dear Grandma

One thing you taught me was "forgiveness". You always said I should forgive to set my soul and mind free, to release all the pain captured in my heart and to be able to love again. And up to today I still feel the bitter pain in my heart, tears build up in my eyes but I have to push them back, I have to swallow the pain more sharp than a knife. At times it feels like I will explode....

Is it because I still have not forgiven you?? Tell me...But how am I suppose to forgive you when you are not even here to explain to me why? You made so many promises to me and I am here wondering if you forgot about them the day you decided to leave my side. You promised to be there for me whenever I needed you. You the one who told me study hard at school because you wanted to be the most beautiful grandma at the graduation ceremony, you said your ululations would be heard in Tonota from Gaborone, BUT YOU WERE NOT THERE...!

Do you remember the day you told your daughters that you dont want any more children because you were waiting for my first child, that you didnt want to be worn out by the time he/she comes?? heh, do you?? Well he is here now and WHERE ARE YOU? You couldn't even wait to see his handsome, innocent first smile. All I can imagine now is how happy you would have been to see him, and how it would have been great to raise your first great grand child.

We both made promises to each other and I intended to keep mine but you decided to leave, without a warning, without saying good bye. I am still angry but today I decided to let it go. At least now you know you betrayed me but I cant stay angry forever. You taught me a lot, those that I needed but didn't realize at the time, those that I needed but didn't want at that time. But I will forever be thankful for raising me into the woman I am today. You taught me what real life entails and how to be a woman of virtue.

Even though you were not there for so many milestones in my life, I believe you are still with me, guiding me for your wisdom will forever remain in my heart. You were a small, tiny woman with a big, golden heart. May your soul rest in peace and find eternal life.

Your Granddaughter

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Just for Laughs...Cowardliness

I know from my previous post I told you a man should act tough no matter their fears but there are so many incidents that happened, those I heard, saw and experienced which left me speechless. I kept wondering, "What was he thinking?", but then concluded that, only men could do that.

I still fail to understand what goes on a man`s mind when he faces a close to death situation, I have never seen anything as coward as a man. I know people will not agree with me but its the truth, well not all men are cowards but those who are, go beyond the word coward, those who will scream and run away from their own shadow.

So, we were at the cattle-post and this cousin of mine went to collect ostrich eggs. He went ridding on a donkey, so he collected, and as he was leaving, the ostrich saw him and came running after him. For some reason he felt that the donkey was not running as fast as he wanted and the ostrich was approaching. Guess what he did! He jumped off the donkey and opted for his God given legs. You can imagine the screams he made when the donkey now passed him and vanished before his eyes, and what happened next, I cant tell... And I couldn't help wondering, "What was he thinking?". He never came close to number 5 at school in athletics...or maybe he forgot.

And then these guys got robbed at night, it was a few hours after they got home from the night club, they were tired and fell into deep sleep. Luckily for them, the robbery went so well because one of them was not drunk and managed to wake up as soon as the thief broke the window. The thief pointed something black at him (that's what he said, and apparently it was the handle of the pot) and immediately he raised his hands #I am sure he watch too much action movies#. Anyway, so the thief whispered "Hey where is your phone and wallet?" This guy couldn't even speak, he just collected them and gave them to the thief through the window."What about your friends? Search them", asked the thief again. Our poor guy did exactly that and handed the items to the thief. As if this was not enough, the thief asked "Is this the only room, go and search the other rooms and come back!" I am sure we know what he did, exactly that! The last instruction was "Now go back to sleep. Sharp!" What was he thinking? hehehehe. Men and their cowardliness....

My grandfather used to tell us about his friend who always practiced how he was going to run away in case they got attacked when they went hunting for lions and leopards back then. And I always thought it was a joke. Any slight movement from the shrubs, he was ready to go and they never gave him a gun or bottle of water, or food, because they knew he will run away with them. They gave him a cup and he will make sure its tied tightly on his waist and that it wont disturb his hands when he is running. He will pace around the yard before they left just to make sure!...ha men! 

Women are courageous, don't even argue that one....

Tuesday 19 November 2013

What it means to be a man!

Like other people, I also have prepared a little speech to commemorate International Men`s day; and here is how it goes.

I thank God today for making us all see this day. There is time for everything in life and like any other day God created this day. They are the people we love to hate. Go to any women`s forums and hear how evil these people are, how cruel, how inhuman. Listen to the names they are given, ranging from "dog" to "ramoshwe". All those for being a man!

But God never forsake them, and today He made us remember them and celebrate them for they are special in their own way. And as I looked around in men in my life, I couldn't stop wondering what it really means to be a man, and I realized that being a man means a lot of things.

What it means to be a man!

  1.  “Being a man means being able to fold a map and never stop for directions.”
  2.  “Being a man means getting yelled at for forgetting to put the seat down.”
  3. If another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you just might become lifelong friends.
  4. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. but pay a fortune for her woman`s hairstyle.
  5. You spend your hard earned money to take your children to school and when they grow up they celebrate mothers' day....!
  6. After buying a ring, you'll need a woman to confirm whether you get married or not.
  7. You have to act tough no matter your fears.
  8. You feel compelled to make money, and then to throw it away in public.

These are not jokes, but the truth. Men make sacrifices everyday their entire life for their families, their friends, colleagues and even strangers. They always put their happiness aside for those they love but who cares?? I mean really??? They are our fathers, our uncles, our brothers, our sons, our husbands, our boyfriends, our dear friends....

I want us all to take this day and think of all the good, funny, weird things men do for us  and appreciate. Let them know we love them no matter what, for they are who they are, MEN! and we are proud of them. And to our baby boys "Grow up to be a man!"

Thursday 14 November 2013

A friend that you are!

Friendship used to be easier when we were kids, when sitting next to each other in class, eating and playing together was all that was needed. Then came adulthood with all its challenges, frustrations, expectations, responsibilities and complications, and friendship became something we have to tiptoe around. At times I wish I never grew up!

Its easier to label someone else as a good friend or bad friend, but do we know what type of friends we are to other people? Well, some of us know! you see, everyone act differently to different individuals. At times you are not even aware that you are such a bad friend or good friend. Friendship is just how you relate with other people and most of the time its influenced by your upbringing, what you went through in life.

Before I wrote this post, I wanted to share with you guys some of the bad friends we might have, but then as I was jotting down the types of these friends and how they behave, I couldn't stop finding some of these traits on me. Oh My God! I am such a bad friend, I console myself by reminding myself that "No one is perfect" but that's not enough. Transformation is what I am undergoing from now on, for a good friendship is a healthy relationship.

Now to the point, Judge yourself before you could judge anyone else;
1. Opportunist--->Are you friends with them because there is something you want to gain from the friendship, maybe you want to get close to their friends. You ask for their help but never return a favor. You are always too busy for them.... bad bad friend!
2. Self-centered--->your conversations are all about you, "I want this, i bought this, i have this and that". Its hard to notice this one but, if you are the one who is always talking and people are always listening to you. Bad habit!
3.Victim----->you are always complaining, want people to feel sorry for you. Always blaming other people for the hardships in your life. Hey hey, cheer up, you are sulking the moment. You are a bad friend period!
4. Clingy---->you don't want to share your friend with other people, you complain about their other friends to an extent of separating them with those friends. You are just lonely, and by the time you find someone more important e.g. significant other, you will ditch your friends only to come back when things go wrong again..what can I say, you know what you are!
5. Fake---->you smile in your friend's face and the moment she/he is not around you put them down verbally. not a friend at all!
6. Competitor-->you always want to know what your friends are up to, you want to have their friends, their boy/girlfriends. They buy a car, then you make sure you also buy a car. They get married, you also want to get married. You take their ideas and make them yours. Unhealthy competition I tell you.

I could go on and on.....

Monday 11 November 2013

The Friends We Have (Part 1)

What I write here is inspired by what happens in my life. For some unknown reasons, fate brings friend to a friend and leaves everything to human nature. While a few special friendships last a lifetime, the vast majority prove easier to leave behind.

We all have friends and we all need friends in our lives. As they say "The company we keep can make or break us", its critical to understand the kind of friends you have. Are they making you or Are they breaking.???

This post will concentrate on good friends which are worth keeping. I have read a few posts and quotes on friendship and there are many kinds of friends,but I only picked 7 types which I can really relate with or the type of friends I have in my cycles on this lifetime. Mind you these are good friends we should have;

  1. Mentor----->Acts like a mother, she motivates you, help you when you need them. They are not always there in your life but every meeting, or call with them brings the best out of you. They know more than you do and they are like your role model.
  2. Honest Friend--->will tell you like it is, whether you like it or not, they are brutally honest but not mean. They are the kind of friends who will tell you that your boy/girlfriend is cheating on you, or that that shirt doesn't look good on you and will go to an extent of finding you something suitable
  3. The Listener---->A friend who would make time for you, who would listen to the drama and difficulty in your life without judgement and without interrupting or giving advice (unless you ask). They provide a shoulder to cry on.
  4. Mentee----->Someone usually younger than you who look up to you as a mentor and you give advice to.
  5. The Challenger---->Someone who lives a totally different life from you, you continually argue with because you dont share the same philosophy when it comes to life, but you learn a lot from on the process.
  6. Risk Taker---->adventurous, will make you do things out of your comfort zone, brings about new and best aspect of yourself you never thought you had.
  7. Comic Relief--->Will make you laugh your lungs out. Funny characters you cant live without. Whether in good or bad times, they will lift your spirit up, when you are bored, they are the first to come to your mind. Usually meet them for fun.
What other type of good friends did I leave out?

Wednesday 6 November 2013

All that for a blister on the foot!!!

Ok... like I said the diary was not the purpose of this blog. But before I could tell you its purpose, some flashbacks have been running through my mind, i really tried to ignore them, believe me. But they are so intense, reminding me of that feeling when you have a crush on someone and you don't want them to notice... hehehehe #hiding#

Over the weekend Femina-Woman held a convention which its purpose was to empower women and re-ignite their dreams, what a session! The speakers were so on point, professionals in motivational speaking. Their speeches could just lift you up and you could see your dream so clear you could even touch it. But I guess that's the purpose of motivational speaking. Saying this as if I was there to listen to those brilliant speeches...Ija! I couldnt even sit down to listen to the whole speech of  any of the speakers. What i got was a blister on the foot from running around preparing for the guests and making sure everything goes as planned. Yeah! those are the fruits of organising.......

You know making our dreams come true is something we all want AND yet something most of us fail to achieve. Fear always consume us whenever we try to make a move towards our dreams. And the one thing i managed to grab from the convention apart from the blister is The fact that, we all need a mentor in our lives.(will get into it some other time).

I cant stop wondering how far I would have gone if I had a mentor, someone to remind me everyday that I can do it, that I am capable. Someone to help me through my fears and hold my hand and tell me "We will get through this together", I swear I would have climbed up and down those electric stairs I fear so much.....

Many people are scared of the "unknown." The unknown can branch out to many areas such as the hereafter, the next ten years, or even tomorrow. Many people are too scared to take the path they want to, because of what may lie ahead. We fear our own dreams....

Face your Fears and you will be able to Face the World........

Tuesday 5 November 2013

About Me!

Every year January I buy a small book, sort of a journal and keep it as a diary. A diary means different things to all of us, but for me its a personal book where i write anything, sometimes even those unimaginable. Its not the story of my life since its not about how i feel that day, what happened to me or anything of that sort BUT yes its the story of my life only understandable to me showing me where I am coming from and where I am going... hahaha from:
  •  birthdays,
  •  important contacts, 
  • to do list for each day, 
  • my monthly budget, 
  • what i want to buy for my home each month, 
  • what i want to achieve at the end of the year,
  • minutes of the meetings i attend
  • Special quotes
  • My dreams, 
  • my achievements
  • some handy tips
Its funny how all these can be done electronically using phones, computers but I prefer the old-fashioned way. Yes I am computer literate, have a laptop, using a smartphone(not really but kind of...) so you get the point. I have all these diaries for each year. The only things I transfer from my previous diary to the new one are the things i wanted to achieve but couldn't achieve that year and I still want to achieve.

And this year just a month ago I lost my diary for this year, just towards the end of the year.!!! You can imagine... I didn't realize the power behind these diaries until I lost that diary. Believe me when I say my life was at stand-still for close to a month. I knew what i needed to do for that month but couldn't do it because now it was like everything was scrambled up. Stressed, unproductive, annoyed, can't even explain the feeling..

But that aside, this is not the purpose of this blog..... I LOVE WRITING. And thats it!! But we can save that for another day, isnt it?????